Dong Quai Full Spectrum 120 caps, Planetary Herbals

Dong Quai Full Spectrum 120 caps, Planetary Herbals

From: Planetary Herbals

Item Code: PF0548

Our Price: $14.35

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Description of Dong Quai Full Spectrum 120 caps, Planetary Herbals

Dong Quai Full Spectrum Herbal Supplement
Premier Female Tonifier

Dong quai is one of the most relied upon herbs worldwide to support a healthy female cycle. Used to build blood and promote pelvic circulation, it has remained one of the premier tonifiers of Chinese herbalism for more than 1000 years. Planetary Formulas FULL SPECTRUM DONG QUAI is prepared from the entire root - not just parts of the root - for balanced activity.

Dong Quai - Renowned Herb for Women's Health
Dong quai, derived from the root of the Chinese perennial Angelica sinensis, ranks just below ginseng as the most popular herb in China and Japan. It has often been referred to as the "female ginseng," popular among women for centuries as a "blood tonic" and used to promote a healthy
menstrual cycle and to ease normal menstrual discomfort.

Dong Quai's Mechanism of Action
Today scientific research is helping to explain how dong quai works. Preclinical pharmacological studies have focused on specific health-promoting compounds. It appears that the principal active constituents of dong quai are Z-ligustilide, which comprises 45% to 60% of the root's essential oil, ferulic acid, and various polysaccharides.

These studies suggest that dong quai helps dilate peripheral blood vessels and increase circulation, a key to promoting healthy gynecological function according to traditional Chinese herbalism. Dong quai is also believed to have antispasmodic actions, particularly on smooth muscles - which would explain its ability to ease menstrual cramps.

Dong Quai's Additional Benefits
Preclinical studies also suggest that dong quai may exert a beneficial cardiovascular effect, through stimulation of circulation, decreased myocardial oxygen consumption, and decreased vascular resistance. In addition to its traditional use as a female tonifier, current research is now focusing on its cardiovascular and liver protective effects, and its role as an antioxidant, antispasmodic, and immunomodulator.

The Full Spectrum Difference
FULL SPECTRUM DONG QUAI is part of Planetary Formulas' line of Full Spectrum single ingredient herbs, which provide the broadest range of benefits the plant has to offer. Many dong quai supplements utilize only fragments of the root, or use slices that have been soaked and pressed. This washes away many valuable constituents. Planetary Formulas uses the entire root, for balanced activity.

Lifestyle Recommendations: To support a healthy female cycle, eat organic to avoid foreign estrogens, get plenty of exercise to promote pelvic circulation, and do not wear excessively tight clothes. Other Planetary Formulas to support womens health include Womens Dong Quai Treasure, Cramp Bark Comfort, and Vitex Extract.

Supplement Facts for 550 mg
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Amount %DV
Dong Quai Root 1100 mg

Other Ingredients: gelatin (capsule)

Warning: Not for use during menstruation or pregnancy unless you are under the supervision of a physician. Dong quai should not be used by those with diarrhea, hemorrhagic diseases, or excessive menstrual flow. If you are using any anti-coagulant or blood thinning medication such as warfarin or aspirin, consult your health care professional prior to using this product. Discontinue use prior to undergoing surgical procedures.

Suggested Use: 2 Dong Quai capsules daily, or as recommended by your health care professional.

Disclaimer: The statements made, or products sold through this website, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Actual results may vary significantly and are dependent on individuals. You should always consult with your physician before starting any health products or any health-related programs.

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Planetary Herbals
Dong Quai Full Spectrum

120 Capsules


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